Two weeks before the Giants played GreenBay in that frostbite, nail biter of a game I had my doubts. Tonight before the Giants played the undefeated, untouchable Patriots....I again had my doubts. I just didn't think they'd play a smart, clean game again! Thank bajeebus I was wrong. The game rocked, I heard so many announcers as well as people I watched the game with state how it was "the best SuperBowl they'd ever watched!"
Mostly I'm grinning ear-to-ear happy for my dad! The biggest Giants fan I'll ever know. Despite Eli Manning's sloppiness last season and for 3/4 of this past season he stuck with them (despite the Sailor-like cursing) and stuck it out in the end. We had 8 people in all at our house......just the fam and two friends.

My dad had Giants gear set out for a lot of us to wear. He owns an unGodly amount of Giants apparel! He was boisterous and passionate the entire game.....I had to grin sometimes when the other team made a great play in that he really handles the bad like a child sometimes, it's endearing in a way!
The commercials were average, only a few that I really enjoyed. The halftime show was forgettable. But DAMN that game was freakin' amazing! Go Giants Go :-)
Because I'm weirdly superstitious when I want certain sporting events to go my way I had a lucky napkin and lucky sitting position. I know...a little half-past crazy but whatever!

When the Giants finally had the game safely tucked away the familia went NUTS! There was lots of screaming, high fives, and "Yes's" to go around! During the Post-game show the neighbor (a die hard Cowboys fan who always taunts my dad's Giants) came over to congratulate my dad on the win with a bottle of champagne! We all toasted and ate Nutella Trifle! Of course, it's the dessert of champions!
Well call me superstitious, but I think it was the trifle...seems to me you'll be making a lot of them next year. But hey, at least there are only 16 weeks in an NFL season ;)
i think you made the nutella trifle & sent a BIG batch to the patriots the night before - hence their sluggish performance last night :) either way, i blame it on the nutella :) i'm happy for your dad & those underdog giants.
espresso: i think you're right, i guess i'll have to make it for every Giants game next year!
BK: haha yeah apparently the trifle travels well through the mail! thanks for your graciousness!
Where I sat, in the cold, unforgiving New England night, I don't know if I'd call it "clean"...
Every time Brady got sacked (f*%!@$ crap offensive line!), my mom and I yelled "leave him alone!" like he was the nerdy kid with glasses getting pummeled on the playground... who grew up to be a delicious manwich.
At least they didn't hit his face... otherwise he might have ended up looking like a Manning...
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