Ok, I've never been the exhibisionist.....no really. But for some reason on a hike we took in a greenbelt i felt compelled to skinny dip beneath the waterfall. HAHAHA, I only was out there for a grand total of 4 minutes but I did it....I don't even know why I felt the need to...but I did. The entire time I was just picturing someone stumbling upon me, it was quite terrifying, yet liberating.
My mom would be so proud.
Alex and mine's date night on Friday was gaahreat! he found this little italian restaurant in the middle of downtown that i had always seen just never taken the time to figure out what it was......it has a very unassuming awning. The ambience was very alluring and modern with one white stone wall and the other being bright red, dark wood seating, and big mirrors to make the space appear larger. We ordered wild mushroom bruschetta with fontina cheese over a bed of arugula for our antipasto. Then I had fettucine con funghi while Alex had the pasta Bolognese. And for dolci we both split a chocolate hazelnut torte. YUMMO, as Rachel Ray would so predictably say!
Then as you already know, we saw Knocked UP. Go see it, you won't be disappointed.....loved it, except for seeing the whole baby crowning bit.
Monday, June 4, 2007
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Oh man, your nudey confession reminded me of something. I am soooo going to write about the time I went camping in the woods and had to use the outdoor facilities... via email because it would be too embarassing to write here. SHAME.
I love how you slip Italian into your posts, you minx, you. Or as the Italians would say "tu civettuola, tu."
(p.s. http://www.wordreference.com rocks. Fantastico translator.)
Ciao bella! Funny that you mention Rachel Ray... I've been living over here so long I didn't even know who the heck she was, then I found out from the owners of my favorite restaurant that MY favorite restaurant (MINE!) is also HERS. AAARRHHH! How is this possible? Well, I guess I will give her one thing: good taste. It's just around the corner from my house.
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